Pollen Allergy.

The world may be a beautiful place when nature is in bloom, but if you have pollen allergies, you know there’s a price to pay.  Pollen is the fine dust, usually yellow, discharged from the male part of a flower.  It is the plant’s fertilizing element and is commonly transported by wind, insects and other animals.

Common pollen sources:

  • Weed (ragweed, sagebrush, etc.)
  • Grass (Bermuda, red top, etc.)
  • Trees (walnut, oak, hickory, etc.)

When the body encounters pollen in the air, it should simply ignore them as harmless elements.  Instead, it reacts inappropriately, treating them like enemies on the offensive.  It wages war against them by releasing chemicals (histamine) into the body.   These chemicals prove self-destructive, though, and cause allergy symptoms that can make you miserable.

Managing Pollen Allergy:

Avoiding pollen is virtually impossible because it is airborne.  Medications can help take the “edge” off of season pollen allergy symptoms.  For those who suffer from severe allergy symptoms (seriously affecting quality of life) or who suffer with allergies for a significant portion of the year (more than just a few months), allergy immunotherapy may be advisable.  Rather than just treating the symptoms, immunotherapy helps desensitize the body so that it will stop overreacting to pollens in the first place.

Contact AllergyEasy to talk to a physician near you about a shot-free approach to allergy immunotherapy.

Stuart H. Agren, M.D.

About The Author: Stuart H. Agren, M.D.

Stuart H. Agren, M.D. completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Utah and went on to earn his Doctor of Medicine from Tulane University School of Medicine in 1974. He completed additional training at L.D.S. Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah and then established his private medical practice starting in 1975. Dr. Agren completed a mini-residency in Industrial Medicine at the Robert Johnson School of Medicine at Rutgers University and also completed training to become a certified Medical Review Officer.

Dr. Agren was the Medical Director at TRW and McDonnell Douglas in Mesa, Arizona and at Stauffer Chemical and Kennecott Copper in Salt Lake City, Utah. He also served as an adjunct faculty member at Arizona State University.

In his private medical practice, Dr. Agren specialized in family practice and allergy. In his work as a private practice allergist, he was one of the first doctors in the country to prescribe sublingual immunotherapy to his patients as an alternative to subcutaneous immunotherapy (allergy shots). He has also been a trailblazer in the field of food allergy treatment and research, developing a program to treat multiple food allergies simultaneously using sublingual immunotherapy. Dr. Agren has been featured on local CBS, NBC, and ABC news affiliates and won the peer-nominated “Top Doc” award from Phoenix Magazine.

After 20 years in private practice, Dr. Agren became the Founder and President of AllergyEasy, which helps primary care physicians around the country offer allergy testing and sublingual immunotherapy treatment to their patients. Over 200 physicians in over 32 states use the AllergyEasy program to help their patients overcome environmental and food allergies and asthma.

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