AllergyEasy News.
Sublingual immunotherapy allergy treatment information, curated and provided to you by professional pharmacists in one convenient location.
Breast Cancer Awareness
In October, we celebrate breast cancer awareness. According to U.S. breast cancer statistics, over 12 percent of women (about 1 in every 8) will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. That's pretty significant! While breast cancer is not unique to...
Cross-Reactive Allergies
Are you allergic to ragweed pollen? If so, chances are that you are also allergic to bananas, watermelon, cucumber, zucchini, and chamomile tea. This is a phenomenon known as cross-reactivity wherein the body reacts negatively to certain environmental pollens as well...
Is It a Cold or Allergies?
It's a common reaction: Someone sniffles and one assumes they are contagious. However, this is not always the case. Those suffering from runny nose, congestion, coughing and sneezing may or may not have a cold. They may just be suffering from allergies. Colds and...
Ragweed Allergy
Ragweed is a flowering plant in the genus Ambrosia. These plants can grow just a few centimeters tall, but they are practically everywhere. While they started in the southwest region of the U.S., they have spread to most every corner of the country. From August to...
Inherited Allergies
In many cases, allergy sufferers can thank Mom and Dad for their allergic misery! If one parent has allergies, a child has a 40 percent chance of inheriting them. That number leaps to 75 percent when both parents have allergies. Allergies occur when the body mistakes...
AllergyEasy Offers Solution For Allergy Season
Aah allergy season, with the wheezing and the sneezing and the itchy eyes…..and the headaches?! Yes, headaches! While most people don't attribute head pain to allergies, it is often a manifestation of underlying allergy problems. Headaches can occur as a result of...